Wednesday, March 18, 2009

St. Patty´s in Santiago

I am a day late, but Happy St. Patrick´s Day to all my Irish and Irish-loving friends out there. My brother and I arrived in Santiago, Chile yesterday evening and sadly our St. Patty´s celebration was less than exciting. The bus ride from Mendoza was good, with amazing scenery as we snaked through the Andes (on some of the turns we found it better for peace of mind to not look out the window and down the mountain where our windy road continued).

Santiago is a big city set in the valley of the Andes. It looks pretty from afar but definitely has a different feel than the smaller town of Mendoza. Our hostel is solid and spacious, but the neighborhood is not that great, and we ended up only finding a pizza place for dinner last night and slightly warm beer from the supermarket - the South American version of celebrating our Irish heritage, I guess.

My bro flies back to the States tonight and I will be sad to see him go as we have had a great time together. I basically planned most of my trip up until this point, and now I have ten days to get to Peru. I think I will be heading up north on an overnight bus this evening to a desert town called San Pedro but I need to hammer out those details this morning before Greg and I go explore the city (since I have nothing booked at the moment). We shall see...

1 comment:

  1. Hey, no worries, I am sure something amazing will turn out.... be flexible and let it come!!! As I read your stories you must have an amazing time... tstststs but at least I just came back from Snowboarding in Whistler where we had 20" new snow in 3 days. Amazing powder :) have fun Barbara
