Friday, March 6, 2009

Made it

Rio is awesome and hot - 93 degrees when I landed today. Eddie C´s friends hooked it up with a ride from the airport which was great, and I´m staying in a flat in Leblon (neighborhood right next to Ipanema - 3 blocks from the beach).

The city is absolutely beautiful, though North versus South is quite a contrast when you´re driving from the airport. The north section is the poor part of town and the south is the wealthier/more touristy part where Copacabana, Ipanema, and Leblon are. The two sections are separated by the mountain on which the famous Christ the Redeemer statue stands, and the statue faces north. Quite a sight.

I´m going to go stroll the beach right now with my gringo feet, and then have my first dinner somewhere outdoors (much better temperature here when the sun goes down). I´m thinking steak, beer, and bed. Will let you know how that goes.