Friday, March 13, 2009

Last day in BA

I have been having a fun time in Buenos Aires and the nightlife and dining has definitely lived up to all the hype. Last night I had one of the best meals ever - a giant steak served with this pumpkin mash, fries, roasted onions and peppers, a baked/fried thick piece of provolone, and a fried egg. It was an obnoxious amount of food, so of course I ate it all because I was starving and it was delicious. It cost $10. Awesome.

A group of us from the hostel went to a show last night at the local cultural center and it was a tango/acrobatics performance. I will admit that I was skeptical going into it and it does sound strange, but it was super cool. There was obvious tango dancing which was neat to watch, but there were also trapeze acts, one guy dancing on a high wire (literally), and other crazy stuff. Very glad we went.

Today I`m getting some things together in prep for my departure tonight to Mendoza to meet my bro. Very psyched, and I am okay with leaving BA as, though it has been a nice visit, it is a very urban place and I think it has less appeal for someone who has lived in a big city before like myself. No matter - my first taste of Argentina has been a great one (minus most of the local guys here who either have mullets, mohawks, or Kenny G hair). We`ll see what stop #2 has in store.

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