Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dia doys (day two)

Pretty good Saturday so far after a jet-lagged 11 hour sleep last night. It was cloudy for most of the day here which probably was good for me not getting badly burned by the sun, though likely bad because it prolonged the inevitable. Not surprisingly, I am very white compared to just about everyone here. Thanks, New York.

I walked the beaches of Leblon and Ipanema today (got my picture-taking out of the way this morning and I felt like the only one with a camera) and parked it on Ipanema for a while. There are volleyball courts everywhere and it seems like everyone is a pretty good player. There are also games of fut volei going on some of the nets - literally volleyball without using your hands/arms. Insane to watch how good these guys are, partly because I´d be embarrassed if I stepped onto the court and tried to use soccer skills (I don´t have any). It´s played two on two on a full size beach vb court (with net) and I watched several long rallies with guys using their heads, chests, thighs, feet, and even tops of shoulders - and with good accuracy. Unreal.

Tonight I´m meeting up with a friend of a friend for dinner then a night on the town. Should be fun and I´m excited to experience what cariocas do on their Saturday nights in Rio.

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.

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