Saturday, March 14, 2009

El Omnibus

I arrived in Mendoza, Argentina this morning after experiencing the famed South American overnight bus ride for the first time. I have to admit - it was a nice trip despite lasting 13 hours. I paid up a few pesos for the fully reclining seats that were super comfortable, and the bus staff served a decent meal and a light breakfast.

After a quick bus-wide bingo game, I spent the first 2.5 hours watching The Prestige with English subtitles on the TV which was satisfying, and I was able to sleep on and off for almost seven hours (would never happen on a plane for me). I´ll take it. The last hour was great as we approached Mendoza: the sun was rising over some vineyards, lighting up the Andes mountains (some snow-capped) on the horizon. A pretty romantic moment for me and the sixty year old man in the seat to my right.

I am at the hostel now waiting for my bro to get here, as he is en route from Chile. The place is nice - basically a big house with it´s own backyard. Have not seen our room yet though so I will reserve final judgment until then. Would love to get into the room sooner rather than later, as I stink.

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