Monday, March 9, 2009


Today I hired a taxi to drive me around town which actually was pretty cheap, and gave me a good excuse to try out off-color phrases in Portuguese from my little Lonely Planet language book. My trip to Rio as a tourist is now complete, as I visited the statue of Christ the Redeemer on Corcovado mountain as well as Pao de Acucar (Sugar Loaf), a mountain on the shoreline that requires use of a cable car to get to the top because it is so steep. The views from the top of both places are easily the most beautiful I have ever seen and the statue of Christ is massive up close. I know I haven´t traveled that much, but I can´t imagine there are many cities as beautiful as Rio.

Unfortunately I did not get a chance to go hang gliding but I am headed to Buenos Aires in the morning, which should be good. But if I spoke Portuguese I may have stayed here a lot longer.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I love Rio myself!!! You will see lots of amazing places during your trip, but Rio is a special one.... :) enjoy BA!!! Barbara
