Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Austria´s capital is a pretty one. Jeremy and I have hit most of the main tourist draws, including the Hofburg Palace, St. Stephen´s Cathedral, the Parliament and City Hall buildings, plenty of older Baroque-era theaters, and Mozart´s apartment from when he lived here for a few years. To be honest, everything was awesome except for Mozart's apartment which was a letdown (I think because Salzburg, his birth place, has the rights to all of his original music, property, etc. This museum had nothing except claim to his original apartment, which was interesting as it is where he wrote Figaro, but overall a bit weak).

Today held the highlight of Vienna: the Schönbrunn Palace and palace grounds from where the Habsberg monarchy ruled. The grounds were massive and beautiful and Jerm and I walked all over. Great gardens, majestic fountains, incredible sculptures, and an unbeatable view of all Vienna from the top of a hill. Feeling strong after our palace visit, we ventured into the Naschmarkt (had authentic wiener schnitzel there yesterday) for another solid meal and some more good Austrian bier.

We cut out Salzburg from our itinerary due to my bro´s schedule and we are taking an overnight sleeper train to Venice tonight which should be Eurotrip-esque. Then we have a full day in Venice before he has to fly out Thursday morning. I am pumped to start my time in Italia.

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