Tuesday, May 5, 2009


It was only a matter of time before I left the spoiled environment of a country whose people speak the same language as I do (though most people we met speak English anyway). No matter, everything about Paris (besides the fashion sense of Parisian men) has been beautiful.

Have had a great time with my Mom and grandmom here (they were both in town for my grandmom's 80th birthday present and left for the U.S. this morning), and we have mastered the town and seen all the major attractions.

Highlights: the Musee d'Orsay, Notre Dame Cathedral, the Louvre, and of course taking an elevator to the top of the Eiffel Tower for some incredible views. The Arc de Triomphe is right near where we stayed, and it might be my favorite landmark in the city.

Paris itself has a very relaxed cafe culture that is easy to get used to, though I think we experienced more crowds than usual as this past weekend was a holiday weekend in France. Regardless, I've had a blast these last four days.
main entrance to the Louvre

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