Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Brussels, Belgium

Final experience in Paris: was sitting at a cafe in the quasi-outdoor international train station, Gare du Nord, waiting for my train to Brussels and a pigeon took a dump on my right arm. It almost went unnoticed, but it was too disgusting and as a result took my long-sleeved shirt total for this trip from three down to two. FYI.

Moving on, I had a fun afternoon in Brussels and it was consumption-packed: hit up a local frites place (Belgians claim they invented fries) that had 46 different kinds of sauce to go with the fries; then had some local beers and a croque monsieur sandwich at a recommended bar; and finished it all off with some ice cream. Gross, yet awesome. Oh and I did some good sight-seeing as well. The main square here is pretty cool.

Going to go try and navigate the French and Flemish street signs around here and see what this town has to offer on a Tuesday night.

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