Sunday, May 31, 2009

Firenze and Siena

Have spent the weekend in Florence (Firenze in Italiano) and it has been a good one. Had a nice day strolling yesterday and visiting the Accademia to see Michelangelo's David statue, which was all it was cracked up to be. Sculptural perfection. Then visited the Duomo and made it to the top for a fantastic view of the city amid the rolling hills of Tuscany. Yet another sweet town in Italy.

Today I took a day trip to Siena which is only 1.5 hours away by train. Very cool little town, and the main Piazza del Campo is one of my favorites, as far as piazze go. The town has a great vibe, which I was feeling even while getting dumped on by 25 minutes of torrential rain (got stranded in an alley when the rain started, under an old arch - less than ideal for shelter). First rainy day in weeks.

Siena's Piazza del Campo
Sadly, my action-packed tour of Italy is coming to an end tomorrow, but it has been a great twelve days in my new favorite country. Tomorrow I head to Milan in the morning where I will spend a few hours before hopping an overnight train to Barcelona. Definitely looking forward to my next stop as I hear good things about Barcelona, and hopefully the town is still partying after FC Barcelona's big win last week. But more important matters to take care of tonight, i.e. gorging myself on my last authentic Italian dinner for a while.

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