Monday, April 6, 2009


My last stop in Peru has so far come through as advertised - Máncora is a pretty nice beach town that is very chill. People in this small coastal town are laid back, including those at my hostel. The place where I am staying consists of a group of bungalows that is situated on top of a hill overlooking the main (dusty) road and the ocean, and I have a nice view of the beach. Is a relaxing spot - definitely my speed right now after an action-packed stretch throughout Southern Peru.

I spent a few hours at the beach today (standard Monday), and now Im going to venture back into town to buy my bus ticket to Ecuador. Trying to get it early to beat the Easter Weekend travel rush (there are many fans of that holiday down here in South America). And I´m making sure I get my ticket through the one bus company that has been recommended by my guide book and other travelers, as apparently the Peru/Ecuador border crossing is a bit shady. I guess I will see for myself soon enough.

1 comment:

  1. My man Johnny Hop, the world traveler just one more title to add to your name/resume, LOL!! Jeanie Bleanie forwarded me your blog a few weeks back and I'm finally dropping a comment. I need to check all of your blogs, too I only covered a few. I'm extremely proud and impressed by the moves you're making. So many of us speak the words "Live Your Life" by you my man are honestly and truly doing it. I saw your parents at Jeanie's Happy Hour for her bday and I could see the pride gleaming on their faces, of course Mom is a little concerned, but that's Mom being Mom you know. You have become one of my heroes, LOL!! We only have ride in this life and there are no dress rehearsals. You understand that completely at your youthful age and are equipped with the "brains and balls" to put it to action. I dig that about you and have acquired a whole new respect for you in the process. Soak it all in my man, just get home to your folks. Tell your brother I said "What it is".

    Be strong, Be careful, Keep God close, and Do The Damn Thing!!! I'll catch up on your blog this weekend.

    One Love,

    James Stinson
