Saturday, April 25, 2009

Dublin, Ireland

St. Patrick's Cathedral

So far so good in Dublin. After we rented a car and braved driving to the city center from the airport on the wrong side of the road this morning, my dad and I went to a local spot for lunch and each enjoyed a bowl of lamb stew and a pint of very good Guinness. We walked around town for a bit then took a much needed Irish siesta to wait out the rain showers. Post-nap the sun came out and we did some more exploring, then parked it in some pub and had a few pints while locals were already dancing 7:45 at night. We watched rugby and hung there for a while, then got a bite to eat down the street, then went to another watering hole in Temple Bar that was packed and had great live music. Just getting back now after spending a couple hours there. We may or may not be pissed at the moment (to use a local phrase). Sleep will come easy ahead of tomorrow's sight seeing.

Temple Bar area at night

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