Friday, April 3, 2009

Lago Titikaka and Puno, Peru

Puno is a pretty nice town on the shore of Lake Titicaca, and yesterday Renee and I explored the famous Lake and some of its islands on a boat tour. The first part of our tour stopped at one of the Uros Islands, which are floating islands made of reeds that the Aymara people have been making for thousands of years and some families still live on them. It was like stepping into a totally different world - their houses and boats are made entirely of reeds and they even eat the reeds. Next stop was to a much larger, natural island called Taquile which is inhabitated by the Quechua. Was very interesting to see their home and culture. Overall the scenery by the lake is very pretty as the water goes on as far as one can see (it is the largest lake in South America) and at 4,000 meters altitude the air and water look crystal clear.

Last night for dinner I decided to try cuy, a Peruvian specialty: fried, whole guinea pig. The presentation was quite nice as it came sitting up on my plate with a tomato wedge crown on it´s head and carrot in its mouth (teeth were still in). Overall the dish tasted decent but did not have a lot of meat on the bones - somewhat disappointing for something that was described as a favorite of the Inca Kings.

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