Friday, June 5, 2009


Spain´s night life is helping me convert to siesta culture in a hurry. These people know how to party, and I have a string of late nights in Barcelona and now Madrid to confirm the hype that I had heard about these places. Arrived in Madrid yesterday and walked around a bit in the afternoon then took a solid nap. Last night went out with a guy from my hostel and his buddy who lives in Madrid, then we met up with some other hostel people from all different nationalities and went dancing at this Latin club til the wee hours. Good stuff, and this town is growing on me.

Today I went to the Museo del Prado and saw some great Spanish art. Saw the Royal Palace as well and in between enjoyed a nice lunch of paella, some steak, and red wine. Again, the Spanish know how to enjoy themselves as they take super long lunches in the early afternoon. Not sure how people actually have jobs here but then again I don´t have one. Will definitely be coming back to Spain to spend more time at some point.

As for now I´m about to head out for my overnight train to my final stop: Lisbon. Hard to believe the travels are almost coming to an end, but I am psyched for a weekend in Portugal.

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